Monday 4 June 2007

Kei Matsushita (Tokyo)

One of the questions answered by Buro Destruct in my previous post was regarding similarities between Swiss and Japanese graphic design. The answer given by BD was that 'both tend to make it perfect'. Therefore it may be to my advantage to have a look into contemporary Japanese graphic design. I've already had a quick look through the book 'Area', which highlights 100 graphic designers form across the globe, and came across Kei Matsushita of Tokyo, whose work I find really impressive, inspirational and in tune with the Swiss design motifs. I've scanned in two pieces of his work from the book, which demonstrate his signature use of creating three-dimensional images by using a two-dimensional technique.

(top) Promotional leaflet for paper-processing company PCM Takeo / PCM Takeo / Japan / 1997

(bottom) Poster advertising the entertainment robot AIBO / Sony Creative Products Inc. / Japan / 2001

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